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The Crimson Lizard







The Lizard waits

On the other side

Watchful eyes bring heavy weights 

Your shoulders shake

Your sides shiver

Scurry away

Or lose the game






He glows red

Giving the dark its light

It lives in itself

And feeds on its home

And lives in the corpse






Hes near

He writes to you

He wants to tell

A story of pain

Of suffering

Of grief 

Of pride

Of sin

Of kin

Don’t hide

Just listen

You may learn a thing or two

Or you’ll end up like it

In the dark

Until death

Do we part


The Crimson Lizard

A short collection of poems 


Written by: The Crimson Lizard




For Callisio



Callios son of Valencio



White specks that softly kiss the night sky

Drawing images of heroes and scars

Each one sparkles like the light in your eye

I see the sky every night

Plagued by the city lights

But still resilient stars shine

While some sit around and whine

I watch the stars

They teach me

Callisto's great domain is quite a sight

One day I will amount to their light

You needn’t more time 

You gleam brighter than any star

Leave a mark more clear than any scar

Thank you

I would like to redefine beauty

Because one thing you taught me

We are like stars, we may be small and insignificant

But we all tell stories that are significant

We all shine our own way that only gods can tame

We all are beauty

Like the stars

No matter what we are

We can be a star





The Crimson Lizard


Deep night

Deep sky

Engulfs all

In eternal blackness


Let it go

Let it fly 

Let it die

Let it flow


Wake in this night

They seized all the light

No more remains

Ever aches the pains


 The rain falls dark

The hounds begin to bark

Let them come

They have found my home


The hounds stop

The world creaks and pops

The dark is pierced 

A light finds me

My dark world grows light

My soul wins its fight

My heart escapes its plight


Your halo shines its light

Bringing hope to my life

My love is strong 

That lives forever long


Somniantes Mori

The Crimson Lizard

Dreamers die

so I do not dream.

Dreams only lie

so I do not dream.

Dreams invade and pry

so I said enough of this cram.

Hell awaits the dreamers 

while I seek her.


Happiness runs from me

but I can still see her.

My sorrows tease me

but my mind does not fault her.

She left this place, left me.

Dreamers die

so I am no better than dead.


I am the ocean lit by the flame

I am the mountain, peace is my name

I am the river, touched by the wind 

I am the story

I never end

Peace- A Beginning 

Peter Sinfield


Peace- A Genesis 

The Crimson Lizard


I am the calm on the cusp of the storm 

I am the breeze on the winds somber voice

I am the frosted crystals of winters tears 

I am the sun’s farewell to the day and the moons hello to the night

I am the stillness of nights honest embrace

I am the creek winding through adventures eager frontier 

I am the moths fluttering in the candle light

I am the birds soft call of morning

I am the dew that lays on the grass 

I am the story

I never end




Peace is a word of the sea and the wind

Peace is a bird who sings as you smile

Peace is the love of a foe as a friend

Peace is the love you bring to a child


Peace- An End

Peter Sinfield


Peace- An Exodus

The Crimson Lizard


Peace is a land of the fair and the kind

Peace is a koi that lays in the pond

Peace is a wren who sings as you cry

Peace is the love of a friend without end

Peace is the love you bring to a stranger


Searching for you

We look everywhere except inside you

Searching for me

We look everywhere except inside me

Peace is the rain from the eyes of a man

Peace is the eyes that shine through the night

Peace is the night that calms raging storms

Peace is the storm that brings better days
Peace is the days that wake up the songs

Peace is the songs that give us new love

Peace is the love that lasts till the end

Peace is the end 

Peace is the end that gives us our name

Peace is the name that I give to you

Peace is you

Peace is my love


Peace is a stream from the heart of a man

Peace is the man whose breadth is the dawn

Peace is a dawn on a day without end

Peace is the end like death of the war


Peace- An End

Peter Sinfield


Peace- A Continuation

The Crimson Lizard


Peace is a dream from the mind of a man

Peace is the man whose voice is the heart

Peace is a heart on a soul without wings

Peace is the wings who fly in the sun

Peace is a sun on a sky full of stars

Peace is the stars that shine with your smile

Peace is a smile that goes without end

Peace is the end like death of a pain



The Crimson Lizard

Consumed by a cool embrace

World goes to black

Swept away in a salty tide

Taken away from the raging typhoon

The sea is there

The sea helps me see

The sea hears my pleas 

The sea frees me


A blue hue drowns all senses

Fades into the mind as you fade away

What is your’s is the sea’s

And what is the sea’s, is your’s 

But it's all taken away

The sea is what I need to be free

Free from this life

Free from this world

Free from me

Free from you

Free in the sea


All I wish for is freedom

All I wish is to see the bottom

See the sea





Consumed by its cool embrace

World goes black

Swept away in a salty tide

Taken from the raging typhoon


Buried at sea

Where I belong

At the bottom

Where I

Can be free



The Crimson Lizard


On a cool Autumns day

The sun dimly shines on the misty fields

The trees want to pay

Pay the people with great seasonal yields

In gleaming red bounties

That bring the children joy

All through our counties 

The night grows bright

The fight grows blight filled with its plight

Cyanide grows potent

You grow closer

Love is but a bounty

Your bounty saves me

Love can grow

Allow me to show

The seasons yield

Is bright red indeed

And fresh as can be



The Crimson Lizard


Why do you remain?

Years should be enough to remove you.

What must I contain? 

My thoughts and mind are enthralled by you.

Off I go once more, dwelling on the past.

I hoped you would be the last.

You’ve dragged me through hell, you remain oblivious.

Why do you remain?

Constant, Controlling, Cruel.

Temporary, Trustworthy, Lovely.

Your deadly beauty is my only bane.

Because of it I live in vain.

I plead to be freed so I can bleed.

Bleed my love, so I can be free from you.



The Crimson Lizard


A cancer sweeps through this land

Harming all touched by its foul hand

It kills you

Wills you

Fills you with its pain

It speaks of a past

A past that could never last

One that died in vain

One that stopped when the air turned moldy

They called him Goldy

Goldy was kind

His mind could escape any bind

That's all gone

I remain

Without a pain and not a single gain

Who am I many voices ask

I don’t respond for I don’t know

They propose a simple task

Face this disease

Kill it foul infectious fleas


I went to do the deed

But was overcome by greed

I wanted control

My only enemy is myself

I am alone

My only enemy is myself

Run from me

Too fast to flee







he’s here

around the corner

i will destroy him

destroy this cancer

I turn to run towards him

He turns to run towards me

I grab a rusted axe

I charge at him

He charges back

I ready my swing

And I strike

He shatters

His shards lie on the ground

No blood, no body

just glass

i am free

I go to the bathroom to rest

I walk in

I go to the sink

I look up

He looks back

I scream

My blood curdles

My hair rises

My skin bubbles

He returns my fear

This cancer is strange


I take another swing 

I gain another hit

He shatters

the cancer is gone

a wooden beam creaks

i turn


i am alone

The plaque is gone 

But its feeling remains

It still talks to me

Through the high open ceiling 

I lay on the ground and around 

and that's when i realize


there's a cancer sweeping through this land

harming all touched by its foul hand

but not me

i will kill it

no cancer will kill me


Fine Coda 

The Crimson Lizard


A fine Coda

A thing I always dream of 

A fine night full of Luna’s luminent rays

There would be no haze

No bays

No cays

There would be a cool breeze 

Through the trees

Through my knees

Through lees


The air would smell of rain

Of pain 

Of disdain 

Of refrain 


Would I be alone?

No! for life will have shown

True love to my loveless eyes

Will I be old?

No! My skin will have not seen the wrinkling of age 

I will be as pristine as rage


As I come to my end

I will taste the salt of a tear 

Tears of joy of course, salt of joy 

Then the trees will creak as the wind picks up once more

Then the glorious rays of Sol will show

And the world will go dark


What a wonderful, fine, end

Shame… Dreams, are just that… dreams 

My Coda, my end, why must you haunt me

Tease me

Taunt me

I am stronger 

Not for much longer 

I begin to falter

Show me some empathy 

Give me some company 

Don’t be the death of me 

Please Coda

Be fine 

Be mine



The Crimson Lizard


I have nothing left to feel

My emotions I can no longer reel

As if my heart was overfished

The air around me is deceased 

It cries on my shoulder 

Tears stab at my skin, blood runs colder

The warmth of hope's embrace

Left with their face

Fear fears me

Worry went to flee

Happiness cried

Joy died


Why try?

All they do is lie

Why let them in?

When I can keep them out

Keep me safe

Who am I kidding?

I miss them

I miss being able to feel

Ah well, I must go on

Or I’ll die, like a fawn without its mother

Trees pity me, walls taunt me

Animals mock me, even their fleas

Maybe it will all go away

If I find them

And make sure this time they stay

Otherwise life will go on

Except I will have no life at all





The Crimson Lizard


Long aching fingers claw at the lifeless sky

Their sheer piercing notes cut through the wind

Speaking to those who listen, taunting those who die

Enlightening many shallow mind

Organum lead me away

Show me the day

What will they say

If I left far away


The shrill screech of putrid steam fills the horizon

Flying through hollow tin pipes

Like a rifle fires, the steam shoots

Like a bullet, the sound wounds

Organum lead me home 

Show me a poem

What will it say?

Will it take me far away?


I read the music

I play the notes

The music is me

I guide it, navigate it 

It takes me where I need to go

Organum is but a steed to me

The music is but a blade to me

The more I play, the closer it comes


take me away…


Hello There

Welcome home

It's been such a long day

The rain has been relentless


Oh come

You need to lay

Get some rest or you’ll be restless



hello   there

Don’t fret 

We don’t pose a threat

We just want to

Touch you Feel you

Love you Hug you

Kiss you Strip you



What's the matter 

Did I say something wrong

Oh I’m sorry

You should get some rest






What are you waiting for

Hurry along now


they wait at the door

you enter

they speak


Don’t you love us? I thought we were friends

Why don’t you cut a little hole?

right there in your wrist skin like butter

smooth, frail slices the same

Won’t you do that? for us?

Don’t you love us?

prove it love

just a tiny cut

it won’t hurt

it’ll help ease the pain

it worked last time

why not again?

While we’re at it cut the thigh

let the blood flow for us

for love for happiness

You won’t die

You like the pain don’t you

Sick bastard

Fix your mind

Psycho freak

just be normal

just fix yourself

sinners go to hell

you belong in hell

silly fuck

sick fuck

useless fuck

those are your thoughts

prove them

prove them

just cut cut cut cut








the pain will go away

one day




I Guard the Gate

The Crimson Lizard


I had no face

I left no trace

I lacked in grace

I was lost 

I found the cost 

But I couldn’t pay


One fateful day a stranger came along 

Begged me to open the Gate

I said No, I had sensed only hate

Looking back, the hate wasn’t them, it was me

Stranger returned again and again, day after day

But I held my post


The years went by

The world deteriorated around the Gate

But the Stranger kept coming

After seeing them everyday I began to realize

They had only been a man in disguise 

We sat down and talked


We spoke of the past years, tears, and fears

We laughed and cried… until I asked

Why he kept trying to enter the Gate

My Master froze

And like that, gone

All of a sudden it was dawn


I kept my post

The winds grew cold, trees old, greens gold

I had now been alone for years

All of a sudden a Stranger

They requested entry, but I sensed danger 

I closed the Gate once more


Night has fallen

Darkness was callin’

Something in the distance glowed

But the light was enclosed 

I lost hope 

So I opened the Gate


To my surprise the strangers were kind

I grew blind

My trust was cheap

But I was still a sentinel

Then a Stranger destroyed the town

The Gate closed


Luna watched in my place 

For I had no eyes, no face

No trace

No grace

My demise was close

But I held my post 


The Gate stayed locked 

I let Master down twice 

Not again

No friends 

Not again 

No love 

Not again


The Strangest Stranger returned 

Not Master, but someone else 

They had a pleasant aura, a clever mind, a fine figure

They asked to be let in

Despite my want to open the Gate

I held my ground


11 years

Thousands of tears 

and yet

I couldn’t









It is too late

I am too far gone

I tried to put us along

But I was wrong

They came back

But they were out of reach


Luna left me 

Alone in the dark

With only a candles faint glow 

Something else was there

I felt its presence 

It brought comfort



I sat

The presence got closer every year

Reassuring me, telling me there was still hope

It allowed me to cope 

A rain began, cold and bold

The flame extinguished 


The presence left 

Footsteps clicked on the wet stone  

A hand emerged from the pitch blackness 

I took it, it was master, his embrace was cold

He had deathly grim news

He told me to be strong, then he left


Someone put a candle through the gate 

A little late

But I won’t hate

I took it 

I looked around

Rain turned to snow 


How was I to know 

That letting someone in, could let yourself go

I was cold


Snow was glittering 

I admired its cruel beauty


Someone approached the frozen gate

Ice and snow crackling under their light steps

They spoke with their eyes and watched through their ears, they were familiar

They wore warmth but they were still cold

Their presence was old 

They sat on the white powdery snow next to me, silence 


The light from luna returned, dim yet comforting

I took the opportunity 

To see the Strangers face

They told me not to look 

I listened 

They fell asleep, their heartbeat and breath were soft as the snow


They rested their head on my sheathed blade 

I forgot who I was in this eternal night

The Strangers breath was comforting, it gave me weak might

I respected their request, I kept my eyes from them

I focused on their heartbeat, it kept me sane

Sane through the pain


The stranger woke up

And they spoke up

They asked about my life

I told them, I guard the Gate

They asked if the gate was part of my fate

I did not now


They sat up

Leaned their head on my shoulder 

I sat still as a boulder 

The snow got colder

The Strangers heartbeat now felt closer

The comfort faded, I grew tense


I looked at the stranger who now slept

Leaning against me

I saw their face, it was familiar

I shook in the cold

They sprang away

They looked into my eyes


I had a face

I left a trace

I had grace

I stood up

I opened the gate 

It was too late


The Stranger told me to sit back down 

I did as told

Lunas light got brighter 

I waited for something to happen

But the world was consumed in silence 

Broken only by her soft presence 


I was still cold 

She was still cold

So why did the world feel warm?

Sol left long ago 

Claimed by his ego

I felt a tear 


I began to weep 

I was lost but I never left

All I wanted to do was open the gate

The door to fate

But it was too late

The tears weren’t mine


I looked to her

She looked to me 

Tears slid down her cool, pale face

They wanted to tarnish her beauty

But they could not 

They only tarnished me


The gates rusted hinges began to squeak

Is hollowed planks began to creak

Someone's footsteps broke through the crisp snow

I looked to them, master did show

He reached out his hand again

I took it

It's cold touch pulled me up

He gave me his life

He said to come in 

But I knew my place

Guard the Gate
The damned Gate

My master sighed, went inside, and soon…

He died 


Everything that was once constant was gone

I did not care, I kept my post

I found my face

I laid down on the snow 

The Strange Girl beside me

Together we lay, in the cold black night, still no stars shown


Her cold embrace



The night ended 

Though Luna still ruled the sky

Snow gone

Gold was green

Trees were young

Wind was refreshing 

She rested on the soft grass, while I kept my post


I have lost track of time

She still laid in the grass, a dew began form on her pure skin and in her beautiful hair

I feared her waking

Because she would leave

I have grown so used to her heartbeat, that it had become part of me

Why did I care so much?


The light grew dim once more but brighter around her

My thoughts left the Gate and she replaced them

The Gate was left unguarded

She was the warmth

She melted the snow

She gave the plants life

Once a Stranger 

Now part of me forever


Peace is the dawn on a night without end 

I may never see it i thought

But she found me

Peace is with me

Peace was in the night 

She found me 

I was in the night

I found him

The Gate opened



The Crimson Lizard


Night falls over the mind

Despair befalls once calm dreams

Tears infect tranquill kind


Matchless beauty gleams

Images of pure figure

Effortless grace gleams


Bright sadness linger

Bringing his remorse alive

Dreams still cling to her


Feelings ache and writhe

The night rises sleepless ventures

She leaves as day enters


NightFall is Eternal 


Dawn of the Night

The Crimson Lizard


Darkness fades 

A new light to raise

Ward off the shades

Now no more haze

Out of the light shown 

Figures of lustrous beauty 

The power of love did hone 

Heavenly and sweet, feelings of vanity

Earthly bindings seem to let go

Never before did love take flight

Into the day, they went into life's snow 

Gashes began to show as the rising moon began to blight

Hatred towards oneself as night begins once more

To death, goes the light and all good things with her 



The Crimson Lizard


Dark, my final light dies

To hell with all the lies

I'm tired of trying 

I'm tired of dying 

I'm no storyteller 

I'm no poet

I'm not honest

I'm not humble 

I've been lying to you all

In these final hours

I've written towers 

Wrote and cowered

Coward is me

Coward I am

To be honest 

I'm scared, scared of death

Oh well

I've lost my will 

I wish for the pill

I bid farewell 

Remember me you all 

Remember my word

They may help you 

They helped me

You aren't alone like I 

So don't die

There's always a light

Just keep on the fight

That's my advice

I am the Lizard 

My scales grow frail

My heart goes slow

My eyes fall closed

My soul dies dim

Hell awaits me

I am ready

I am the Lizard 



The Lizard 

Thanks for listening



Brady Crowe and Peter Sinfield


so long

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