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My name is Brady Crowe, I am a high school student in Texas, if you couldn't tell by my outstanding picture to the left, I am an absolute idiot and have no idea what I'm doing

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Well I got a simple answer to that question, I am a person, a music "critic" and a "poet", those words don't mean that much to me but they are my two biggest hobbies. SO WHAT IS MY SOLUTION, making a website to share my hobbies with the world because I, am a genius. I feel it is necessary to mention that my favorite genre of music is progressive rock, I don't remember who to blame, but yes I am pretentious (that's a joke I think). 


Why do I love music criticism? Well the answer is simple and kind of depressing, 2018 was a hard year because a lot of my close family died but I inherited a radio and my grandmothers CDs, cassettes, and records. I listened to them to cope and fell in love with the Eagles and classic rock and in the summer of 2022 I discovered King Crimson and now I am here, I am obsessed with music and I never shut up about it so now I can type about it.


Poetry is another big part of this site, not the focus but its there, I have always wanted to be an author, not a poet, but when taking creative writing in school I had to write poetry and I fell in love. Poetry is a good way to healthily get emotions out in a creative way, its also fun to write and share. I still want to be an author and I have started my first novel, really excited about that. 


So that's me, hope I come across as a pleasant person, 


Want to talk? I can talk about anything, contact me here


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